October 31, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As executive secretary-treasurer I am committed to keeping you updated on decisions that impact our Regional Council and local unions. Effective Oct. 31, 2018, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (“UBC”) completed the process of restructuring the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters. The UBC’s Restructure Plan includes merging a number of local unions affiliated with the Regional Council.
The Restructure Plan is intended to consolidate and improve operations to provide greater benefits and services while creating more abundant work opportunities for our members and signatory contractors. This will significantly improve contractor and member mobility and efficiency by reformatting the geographic boundaries of the affected local unions. Progress is impossible without change, and while consolidations can affect the comfort of routine, I truly believe that this restructuring will make our Regional Council stronger, more productive and more efficient for many years to come.
Our commitment to our membership is paramount, and that strong commitment will be exemplified as we embark on this transition to enhance the opportunities for our members and their families to secure a better life.
In Solidarity,
Gary Perinar
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Updated Local Union Information – new locals, merged locals, contact and union meeting details:
Local Union Info 1
Local Union Info 2
How does this affect collective bargaining agreements (CBAs)? All current CBAs remain unchanged.
Will this affect my benefits? There are no changes to health and welfare or pension benefits for those members of the dissolved local unions. Those members will remain in their current plans.
Will my local’s business representatives or delegates change? Business representatives from the dissolved locals are now serving as representatives with their newly assigned local union. And delegates of the dissolved local unions will continue to serve as delegates in the local union that they have been transferred to, until that local’s next election cycle.
How many local unions will there now be in total? The Regional Council will comprise 19 locals.
Where should I pay my monthly dues? Members of the dissolved local unions must pay their monthly dues at their newly assigned local union.