Applications are now open through Oct. 20, 2022, to join the Carpenters Apprenticeship Program in Elk Grove, IL.
Joining the carpenters apprenticeship puts you in driver’s seat for the career of a lifetime. Our members are valued members of their communities and are able to provide for their families.
There are multiple requirements to join the apprenticeship:
- Be at least 17 years old
- Have a high school diploma, GED or other documentation of at least 8 high school credits
- Have a valid driver’s license or state ID
- Social Security Card (must be original)
- Pass a proficiency and drug test
- Pay $25 application fee (non-refundable, must be cashier’s check or money order)
- Applicants must register in person
The Elk Grove Apprenticeship is open Monday to Friday 9:30 am – 3:30 pm and is located at 1256 Estes Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL. 60007