Gary Perinar was sworn in as executive secretary-treasurer by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel during the delegate meeting on Saturday, Aug. 4, at the headquarters of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters. Joining Perinar were Jeffrey Isaacson as president; Keith Jutkins as vice president; and for executive committee: Robert Lid Jr.; Ronald Culbertson; James Cooper; Thomas Ryan; Nathan German; Bruce Werning; and Kevin McLaughlin. Joseph Weber filled the vacancy for trustee.
“While this new leadership continues to transition into its new roles please know that the Regional Council’s most important goal is to improve the lives of our members and their families,” said Perinar. “We want to create an even greater Chicago Regional Council by generating more opportunities, forming stronger partnerships and becoming a driving force in increasing economic development throughout our entire region.”
“On behalf of the entire executive board,” Perinar concluded, “I would like to say thank you for your overwhelming support, and we look forward to serving the membership of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters.”