What is Cub Club?

Cub Club is a new initiative from the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council to promote union brotherhood amongst our apprentices. We’re creating a space where the next generation of union carpenters and millwrights can meet with fellow apprentices to network, ask questions, and learn how they can become more involved with their local unions and communities.

After your first Cub Club, you can start earning rewards through the Incentive Program. Check out the award tiers.

How Can I Join?

Cub Club is open to all active apprentices. See the chart below for dates, times and meeting locations for each local union in our Regional Council. If you have any additional questions about Cub Club, please reach out to the point person in your area for more info.

First Kansas City Cub Club Meeting on May 24, 2023

Illinois and Iowa Locals

LocalMeeting TimeMeetingsLocationPoint Person
16 pmUpcoming Meeting: March182121 S. Union Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616
Henry Culbertson
(630) 297-9125
45 pmBi-Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: April 9
6623 W. Kimberly Rd.
Davenport, IA
Nick Flogel
(815) 499-0991
106:45 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: Dec. 11
7625 W. 100th Pl.
Bridgeview, IL
John Anderer
(708) 553-8255
135 pmUpcoming Meeting: Feb. 6300 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL
John Grande
(630) 777-1775
546:30 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: Sept.17
7625 W. 100th Pl.
Bridgeview, IL
Dan Dorkin
(312) 519-6012
586 pmBi-Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: April 8
1256 Estes Ave.
Elk Grove Village, IL
William Murphy
(312) 202-2316
1749 amUpcoming Meeting: June 291407 Essington Rd.
Joliet, IL
Dave Argubright
(815) 666-6076
2376 pmEvery First Tuesday
Upcoming Meeting: Sept.3
2412 N. Main
East Peoria, IL
Tom Modlin
(309) 424-6104
2435pm / 6 pmBi-Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting(s):
July 10, Oct. 9
5pm Meeting Location:
402 S. Duncan Rd.
Champaign, IL
Houston Kirby
(217) 720-4109
2506 pmEvery Third Monday
Upcoming Meeting: March 24
28878 IL-120 W.
Lakemoore, IL
Ryan Reitman
(815) 334-7839
2705 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: July 15
211 W. Lawrence
Springfield, IL
Brit Lovelace
(217) 836-8131
272TBDQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: Aug. 28
821 Chicago Rd.
Chicago Heights, IL
Joe Willis
(312) 550-4318
7905 pmEvery Week on Wednesdays1117 Tebala Blvd.
Rockford, IL
Len Saunders
(815) 315-7629
7925 pmEvery Second Tuesday
Upcoming Meeting: Oct. 8
1117 Tebala Blvd.
Rockford, IL
Brad Long
(815) 263-2865
1027TBDQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: Sept.18
4979 Indiana Ave.
Lisle, IL
Jim McDonald
(312) 898-7928
1185TBDContact For Upcoming Meeting1256 Estes Ave.
Elk Grove Village, IL
Jimmy St. Paul
(312) 448-3803
16936 pmEvery Fourth Thursday
Upcoming Meeting: April 18
4679 Indiana Ave.
Lisle, IL
Anthony Elliott
(708) 490-8837
18895 pmQuarterly Meeting Third Tuesday
Upcoming Meeting: Aug. 21
4679 Indiana Ave.
Lisle, IL
Patrick Richards
(630) 842-6478
21585 pmEvery Second Tuesday
Upcoming Meeting: July 9
1117 Tebala Blvd.
Rockford, IL
Jonathan Mix
(563) 232-9139

Missouri and Kansas Locals

LocalMeeting TimeMeetingsLocationPoint Person
325 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: April 9
755 Parr Rd.
Wentzville, MO
Rj Catizon
(314) 269-5273
574 pmEvery Fourth Monday
Upcoming Meeting: Aug. 28
1401 Hampton
St. Louis, MO
Kurt Goodwin
(636) 299-1456
926 pmEvery Third Wednesday
Contact For Upcoming Meeting
1401 Hampton
St. Louis, MO
Ray Schwegman
(413) 452-7944
975:30 pmEvery Third Tuesday
Upcoming Meeting: Feb. 18
1401 Hampton
St. Louis, MO
Kevin Haynes
(314) 458-4563
3155 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: April 24
8955 E. 38th Terrace
Kansas City, MO
Paul Lopez
(816) 730-7900
6626 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: May 21
800 S. State St.
Freeburg, IL
Christian Marrujo
(618) 381-3291
6645 pmThird Wednesday
Upcoming Meeting: Sept.18
277 E. Madison Ave.
Wood River, IL
Matt Chase
(618) 304-2238
945TBDUpcoming Meetings:
(1) April 11

(2) April 13
(1) 5218 Business Hwy 50 W.
Jefferson City, MO

(2) 4639 W. Pfeiffer Ct.
Springfield, MO

(3) 908 East 7th St.
Joplin, MO

(4) 310 S. Belt Hwy
St. Joseph, MO
Jason Verslues
(573) 644-4025
11275 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: April 24
8955 E. 38th Terrace
Kansas City, MO
Andre Johnson
(816) 730-9050
13105 pmEvery Fourth Wednesday
Upcoming Meeting: July 23
1401 Hampton
St. Louis, MO
Rodney Politte
(314) 337-4335
14455:30 pmEvery Second Wednesday
Upcoming Meeting: June 12
212 NW Norris
Topeka, KS 66608
Jorge Segura
(316) 522-8911
15295 pmQuarterly Meeting
Upcoming Meeting: April 24
8955 E. 38th Terrace
Kansas City, MO
Mike Gavoli
(816) 812-5161
15965 pmSecond Monday
Upcoming Meeting: April 24
1401 Hampton
St. Louis, MO
Jason Spieckerman
(314) 379-6494
1770TBAContact For Upcoming Meeting815 Enterprise St.
Cape Girardeau, MO
Brandon Sneed
(573) 579-9561
18396 pmEvery Third Wednesday
Upcoming Meeting: Feb. 19
1121 Columbus Dr.
Washington, MO
Shane Anselm
(573) 563-5890
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