COVID-19: Changes to Operating Procedures


Dear Brothers & Sisters:

The Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters primary concern and focus is, as always, on the health and safety of our membership, employees, signatory contractors and our communities. We intend to service and support our membership to the best of our ability during this difficult time. To halt the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in accordance with state and federal mandates we have made the changes listed.

These guidelines will be in place for the foreseeable future. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is a rapidly changing situation. We are committed to keeping you informed and to taking care of our members.

I urge all of you to please follow all recommendations from government and public health experts and stay safe. Together we will get through this!

In Solidarity,

Gary Perinar

Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Carpenter Apprentice & Training Facilities:

Effective March 17, all Carpenter Apprentice & Training facilities are closed until May 4, 2020, or in accordance with mandates on gatherings. We will provide additional information on the reopening once a date has been confirmed. Please call 847-640-7373 if you require further information.

The Benefit Fund Office:

Our Fund Office will remain open to service our membership. However, In-person Interviews have been canceled until further notice. As always, help with applications is available via telephone; please call 312-787-9455, to schedule a phone appointment. During this period, we will now accept scanned copies or photos of documents necessary to complete your benefit applications and to provide coverage to new dependents (marriage licenses, birth certificates, driver’s license, etc.). Once completed, applications should be sent via First Class mail. Both the April 4 – Pre-Retirement Seminar and the April 25 – John Hancock Seminar have been canceled.

Carpenters Health Center & Vision Center:

The Carpenters Center for Health remains open. We are encouraging healthy patients to stay at home and are presently rescheduling wellness visits to accommodate sick patients. Wellness Coaching and Condition Management appointments are currently being handled telephonically. The Carpenters Center for Health does not have COVID-19 tests and it is unlikely to obtain them in the near future.  Please call ahead if you are ill and need to see a medical provider. The telephone number is 312-337-4150. We recommend you follow the Center for Disease Control recommendations relating to COVID-19.

The Carpenters Center for Health Nurseline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 312-260-1189.

The Carpenters Center for Vision remains open. You may schedule an appointment by calling 630-598-5120.

Local Union Monthly Meetings:

Local Union membership meetings for March and April have been canceled. Cancellations do NOT apply to those Local Unions that are holding nominations and elections, they will make modifications to strictly comply with state and federal mandates on public and private gatherings. Please contact your Local Union for updated meeting information.

Local Union Offices:

For the safety of our members and staff, and to limit in-person contact we ask that whenever possible you pay your dues via mail, or over the phone. Local Union offices will remain open during their normal business hours, but please call ahead. CLICK HERE for listing to our local union offices:

Regional Council Office:

The Regional Council’s office will also remain open during our normal business hours.

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