Dollars Against Diabetes Softball Tournament
Saturday, July 13, 2019
It was a great day out at the Dollars Against Diabetes Softball Tournament on Saturday, July 13, 2019. Hosted by the Chicago Building Trades this event has reached new levels in attendence! Great turnout! Make it a point to mark your calendar for next year and come out to support our carpenters and labor unions for this worthy event! Huge crowds were on hand to supports this great cause and most importantly support the Chicago labor unions.
The Carpenters team had an exceptional day playing hard and they advanced throughout the day and into the championship! With heat soaring into the 90’s that day the our brothers fought the fight to the very end but losing to IUOE Local 150 it was an exicting game…. Well done brothers! We are looking forward to next year! Thank you for representing! Watch the Built To Last Show which airs Sundays on WLS Channel 7 – they were out filming for a future episode! Check your local listings for the show day and time!
(left to right front row:)
Brian Cappetta, LU 13; Rich Higgins, LU 1693; Mike D’Oronzo, LU 13; Tom Moody LU 272; Rich Sullivan LU 10
(left to right back row)
Gary Perinar, Executive Secretary-Treasurer CRCC; Eamon McMahon, LU 10; Juan Vela, LU 1; Tom Robbins, LU 10;
Tait Ericson, LU1; Matt Schmenski, LU 1; Jacke Lechelt, LU 1889
Josh Szymanski, LU 1185; Ron Gorney, LU1; Brendan Gusich, LU10; Dan Rogers, LU10
(not pictured:) Kevin Wyman, LU 13; Bo O’Rourke, LU 13; Paul McGrath, LU 13