Built to Last®—a product of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters’ Labor and Management Committee—is back! After three successful seasons with Lakeshore Public Television, production of season four is being handled by ABC. Plans for the weekly show include weekend airings across ABC 7 WLS Chicago and ABC 13 KTNV Las Vegas.
Starting with the name itself “built to last” means enduring quality, and season four will highlight how skilled labor is the pinnacle for safety and performance, and how it sets the benchmark for training and productivity and is the smart choice of professional contractors. Season four will move across projects, helping to demonstrate the contributions that organized labor makes toward our communities while showcasing public and private economic developments and partnerships, and a dedication to the building industry.
“Built to Last® Television has helped showcase how industry professionals deftly collaborate to design, create and execute on projects that matter to people within the communities where we live and work,” said President Frank T. Libby of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters – A positive force in building communities®. “It has been an educational vehicle for the building and business communities promoting economic infrastructure projects.”
Viewers can follow along as well as view episodes from every season at BuiltToLastTV.com.